HR Operating Procedures

Human Resource Operating Procedures

HR-1000 Recruitment Procedures

HR-1002 NCJA_FAMU_Fingerprinting Background Check

HR-1003 Non Discrimination and Compliance Procedure

HR-1004 Reasonable Accomodation

HR-1005 Non-Resident Alien

HR-1006 Employment of Relatives

HR-1007 Selective Service

HR-1008 Executive Service Appointments

HR-1009 Veteran's Preference

HR-1010 Volunteers

HR-1011 Waiver of Advertising Appointments  


HR-2000 Classification and Compensation

HR-2001 Request for Additional Employment

HR-2002 Payroll Off-Cycle Payment

HR-2003 Court Ordered Garnishments

HR-2004 Moving Expenses

HR-2005 Overtime and Compensatory Time

HR-2006 Prerequisites Sale of Goods and Services

HR-2007 Prompt Payment of Promotional Increases

HR-2008 Running Cost Center Report


HR-3000 Benefits and Hours of Work

HR-3000 Telecommuting Program

HR-3001  Family Medical Leave Act

HR-3002 Worker's Compensation Procedure

HR-3003 Retirement Programs

HR-3004 Recording Overtime on Attendance and Leave Report

HR-3005 Leave Payout

HR-3006 Parental Leave of Absence

HR-3007 Sick Leave Pool

HR-3008 Leave of Absence

HR-3009 Abscences for Religious Holidays

HR-3010 Temporary Total Disability Benefits Payments

HR-3011 Processing Invoices for Independent Medicals Exams

HR-3012 The Employee Assistance Program


HR-4000 USPS and A&P Performance Evaluation Procedure


HR-5000 Tuition Waiver Procedure

HR-5001 Tuition Reimbursements Procedures


HR-6000 Political Activity

HR-6001 Use of University Facilities 


HR-7000 Alcohol and Drug Testing Policy

HR-7001 Policy on Alcoholism


HR-8000 Layoff and Recall of USPS Employees

HR-8001 Layoff and Recall of A&P Employees


HR-9000 Separation from Employment


HR-10000 Procedures for Accesing Employee Personnel File