Diversity and Inclusion


HR Leader                 Sandi Smith Anderson, Interim Associate VP,  Chief HR and Diversity Officer  850-412-5146

Functional Leader    TBDDirector, Human Resources                                                                            850-599-3441

Diversity and Inclusion at Florida A&M University

Message from the President

Message from the Chief HR & Diversity Officer 
A Letter from the Chief HR & Diversity Officer

Strategic Alignment

Structure - Compliance, Diversity & Inclusion

D&I Framework 

Next Steps


Areas of Responsibility:

  • Develop, implement and monitor all Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) programs and strategic initiatives within the University.
  • Develop training, processes and initiatives that will help to create and foster an open and inclusive environment within the University. 
  • Develop training programs and tools to educate employees and managers on how to recognize, accommodate and appreciate individual differences.
  • Create diversity training materials and coordinate training as appropriate across the campus community.
  • Develop policies, procedures and regulations that will help to promote a diverse and inclusive workforce.
  • Conduct research on effective internal and external D&I practices to include monitoring industry developments, evaluating emerging trends, and conducting benchmark comparisons in support of the University’s D&I initiatives and objectives. 
  • Research diversity programs and developments by maintaining contact with others in the field.
  • Develop metrics for measuring the effectiveness of D&I initiatives, and prepare required reports to upper management. 
  • Conduct data analyses for use in business decision making.
  • Planning and implementation of D&I projects and communication which include developing and maintaining the D&I website and printed materials