How to Apply for Graduation


You're almost there! Before you can walk across that stage, you have a few more things to do. Follow the step-by-step guide below to successfully apply for graduation!



Apply For Graduation

Follow the Eight (8) Steps Below to Apply for Graduation!



1. Login to your iRattler Click iRattler Campus Solutions Click Student Center

Apply for Graduation
Apply for Graduation

2. Click the 'MY ACADEMICS' link

Apply for Graduation

3. Click Apply for Graduation

NOTE: You advisor must place an ETA to your account in order to successfully apply for graduation.

Apply for Graduation

4. Add Name, Address, Email, & Phone Information

(If this information is not added, you will not be able to proceed with the graduation application process)

Apply for Graduation


I. How to add name

Click ADD A NEW NAME > Click Dropdown box and select Degree > Type your name > Click Save > Click Cancel

Apply for Graduation
II. How to add Address

Click add address link > Click Add a New Address > Type Address > Click OK> Check DIPLOMA box > Click Save > Click Cancel

Apply for Graduation
III. How to add Preferred Email (FAMU email recommended)

Click Add Email Info link > Click Add a Email Address > Click drop down box> Select Other > Type Email > Check Preferred Box > Click Save > Click Cancel

Apply for Graduation
IV. Add Phone Number

Click Add Phone Info link > Update Mobile Number > Check Preferred box > Click Save > Click Cancel > Click Continue

Apply for Graduation

5. Select Program and Degree

Apply for Graduation

6. Select Graduation Term (NOTE: You must have the term ETA on your account)

Apply for Graduation
Apply for Graduation

7. Verify Graduation Data 

Apply for Graduation


8. Confirmation Message

I. You will receive a confirmation message that you have successfully applied for graduation.
II. You will receive a graduation information email from the Registrar’s Office after the university deadline.

Apply for Graduation



Done! You Have Successfully Applied For Graduation

For additional assistance, please contact the Registrars Office at (850) 599-3115 or


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