Educational Testing

The CeDAR offers a wide range of support services and accommodations for all FAMU students with disabilities.

The CeDAR Learning Assessment Center (LAC) provides low cost comprehensive educational assessments for college students and adults, who may be experiencing scholastic difficulties due to a suspected learning disability or Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).


Fee for FAMU Students:

  • Screening (non-refundable): $25
  • Learning Disability: $100
  • ADHD: $100
  • Combined (LD & ADHD): $175

Fee for Non-FAMU Students

  • Screening (non-refundable): $25
  • Learning Disability: $350
  • ADHD: $375
  • Combined (LD & ADHD): $650

Persons interested should contact CeDAR to determine if educational testing services would be appropriate.

Counseling Services & Resource Referrals

We also work very closely with Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) to provide opportunities for personal or financial assistance to our students. Students interested in learning more about VR and speaking with a representative for CeDAR can make an appointment with the CeDAR office and we will be happy to make that connection.

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a federal-state program that helps people who have physical or mental disabilities get or keep a job. VR is committed to helping people with disabilities find meaningful careers.

  • Medical and Psychological Assessment
  • Vocational Evaluation and Planning
  • Career Counseling and Guidance
  • Training and Education After High School
  • Job-Site Assessment and Accommodations
  • Job Placement
  • Job Coaching
  • On-the-Job Training
  • Supported Employment
  • Assistive Technology and Devices
  • Time-Limited Medical and/or Psychological Treatment