Assistive Technology

At FAMU, we directly provide tools to students in order to succeed.

Read and Write is an assistive technological (AT) literacy software which can help boost the confidence of individuals when it comes to reading and writing. The software is user friendly and used to help breakdown information you are reading or processing to make it more understandable to the reader.



Download Read & Write, but be sure to click on the correct version for you to download.

  1. Windows
  2. Mac
  3. Google Chrome

To view videos that can help with installation of Read & Write, click below.

  1. Read & Write Installation Walk Throughs for All Platforms
  2. Virtual Walk Through of Read & Write

Videos & Tools for Success:

1) Active Reading Strategies


2) Reading & Study Strategies for Higher Education 

3) Two Column Notes vs. Three Column Notes

4) TextHelp (PDF) Tool Bar Guide    or    Read & Write (Google Chrome) Tool Bar Guide



If you experience any technical issues with Read & Write or EquatIO, please use the links below to receive assistance from TextHelp. 

DO NOT contact FAMU ITS.


TextHelp Support:

Submit a TextHelp Support Ticket:

"EquatIO is an assistive technological (AT) mathematics accessibility tool which can enhance learning, academic career, and success in your courses. It allows users to create math equations, math formulas, and more without having to be proficient in math."

To download EquatIO, click on the correct version for you to download.

To view videos that can help with installiation of EquatIO, click below.

Tools for Success in Equatio

In order to assist all students with their studies, CeDAR is glad to offer all Texthelp resources for free to students. As you read above, Read & Write is an Assistive Technology program to assist with note taking, review class lectures, essay writing and more. The 2nd program CeDAR is glad to happy to offer is EquatIO. EquatIO can help students who struggle with math or the sciences to help visualize, computate, and ascertain the course material. 

Equatio Video Tools:


1) Navigating the EquatIO Menu

2) EquatIO Graphing Editor

3) Math Handwriting Recognition