Third-Party Billing


Third Party Billing

Third Party agencies may contract with the University to pay student fees.   All third-party deferment requests must be submitted to the University by the first class day in order avoid late payment charges.

Deferments for students are processed per academic term after receipt of notification from approved third-party agencies. Student deferments that do not cover the balance of tuition and mandatory fees due will need to pay or have sufficient financial aid to cover the balance due by the fee payment deadline.

An invoice will be sent to the agency after the beginning of the term. In the event that the third-party agency does not pay for the invoiced amount, the student will be placed on cashiering hold for the unpaid balance/reimbursement of refunds received.

The student may also incur the addition of the $100.00 late payment fee. In addition, the student will not be able to receive a transcript, register for future terms and/or receive a diploma until the outstanding balance is paid in full.
Questions concerning third-party billing can be directed to
Danyell Connner                                                

Third Party Billing requests can be mailed to

Student Financial Services
Att. Student Financial Services/Third Party Billings
CASS Building
1735 Wahnish Way Suite 103
Tallahassee FL 32307.