General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC)

The General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC) is a subcommittee of the General Education Steering Committee (GESC) operating under the auspices of the Office of University Assessment and reporting to the Institutional Level Assessment Committee (ILAC). GEAC comprises faculty, staff and administrators tasked with collaboratively guiding general education assessment at FAMU. Within this scope, GEAC members focus on assessment reporting, methods of general education data collection, and supervision of institutional general education evaluation (i.e., ETS Proficiency Profile Test and general education focus groups).

For more information about GEAC, please select a hyperlink below:

GEAC'S History

GEAC's Charges

GEAC's Organizational Structure

GEAC's Composition, Leadership and Membership

What GEAC does for FAMU

How GEAC does what it does

What GEAC does for faculty and students

What Faculty can do for GEAC

What Students can do for GEAC