Strategic Plans

Florida A&M University Core Values

Scholarship, Excellence, Openness, Fiscal Responsibility, Accountability, Collaboration, Diversity, Service, Fairness, Courage, Integrity, Respect, Collegiality, Freedom, Ethics and Shared Governance.

Florida A&M University Mission Statement

Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) is an 1890 land-grant institution dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, resolution of complex issues and the empowerment of citizens and communities.  The University provides a student-centered environment consistent with its core values.  The faculty is committed to educating students at the undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and professional levels, preparing graduates to apply their knowledge, critical thinking skills and creativity in their service to society.  FAMU’s distinction as a doctoral/research institution will continue to provide mechanisms to address emerging issues through local and global partnerships.  Expanding upon the University’s land-grant status, it will enhance the lives of constituents through innovative research, engaging cooperative extension, and public service.  While the University continues its historic mission of educating African Americans, FAMU embraces persons of all races, ethnic origins and nationalities as life-long members of the university community.

Florida A&M University Vision Statement

Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) will be recognized as a premier land-grant, doctoral-research university that produces globally competitive graduates.

Achieving this vision requires the University to provide students with an educational experience that allows them to compete in the 21st century global economy. Today’s students are interested in becoming entrepreneurs and innovators. They are not just interested in getting a job, but addressing social issues and providing transformational solutions to world and community problems. At FAMU, we are enhancing our status as a first-choice institution that students will pay for and in which donors will invest. We will create strategies and choices to accomplish this, using six guiding principles: quality, integrity, transparency, accountability, core values, and outstanding customer service.

Strategic Priorities

These key elements are at the core of FAMU’s mission and are reflected in the Strategic Priorities and Goals described in this document. 

Strategic Priority 1: Exceptional Student Experience
Student success. We will increase student success and improve the overall student experience by enhancing academic support services, strengthening our academic degree programs, enhancing our living-learning environment, and promoting innovative co-curricular activities. 

Strategic Priority 2: Excellent and Renowned Faculty
Faculty excellence. We will attract and retain world-class faculty, improve faculty incentives and invest in critical research facilities. 

Strategic Priority 3: High Impact Research, Commercialization, Outreach, and Extension Services
Research that makes a difference. We will refine our research priorities, expand our research productivity and commercialization footprint, and build upon our contributions in outreach and extension, as we continue to grow the University’s reputation as a doctoral-research university.

Strategic Priority 4: Transformative Alumni, Community, and Business Engagement
Building and expanding our partnerships. We will increase engagement with our alumni base, business partners, and within our local, national and global communities to increase our impact and grow financial support for the University.

Strategic Priority 5: First-Class Business Infrastructure
Business operations that support our mission. We will recruit and retain an excellent and diverse staff, enhance our administrative services, adopt a more transparent and effective budgeting model, and leverage technology to make our operations more effective and efficient.

Strategic Priority 6: Outstanding Customer Experiences
Leadership through service. We will consistently provide high-quality customer experience in all facets of University operations.

University Strategic Plans

>> Strategic Plan 2017-2022: FAMU Rising
>> Strategic Plan 2010 Thru 2020

Attachment A
Appendix A
Appendix B

>> Strategic Plan 2004-2013
>> Strategic Plan 1998-2004

Schools and Colleges Strategic Plans

>> College of Agriculture and Food Sciences
>> College of Education
>> FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
>> College of Law
>> College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
>> College of Science and Technology
>> College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities
>> School of Allied Health Sciences
>> School of Architecture
>> School Business and Industry (SBI)
>> School of the Environment
>> School of Journalism and Graphic Communication
>> School of Nursing
>> University Libraries