Office of University Assessment


Welcome to the Office of University Assessment (OUA) at Florida A&M University (FAMU). The assessment program at FAMU aims to promote a culture of continuous improvement. It is an integral component of the university’s commitment to sustaining and enhancing academic quality and student experiences.  The mission of the OUA is to promote a culture of evidence at FAMU through the implementation of a manageable and sustainable assessment process that leads to quality program and service improvement.  The OUA achieves this mission by providing support to all academic programs and administrative and educational support units through building capacity for best practices in assessment and continuous quality improvement.                                                                   

The assessment activities permeate all levels of the university and target four primary areas: entry-level knowledge and skills, general education outcomes, program/divisional outcomes, and students, graduates and alumni satisfaction. These efforts span multiple institutional levels - from university-wide assessments to assessments conducted by individual academic programs and administrative and educational support service units. The Office of Academic Affairs has established the Institutional level Assessment Committee (ILAC) to guide and monitor the assessment efforts and to make recommendations for improving programs and services.



The primary purpose of the Office of University Assessment is to monitor and support academic, administrative, and educational support units in the continuous improvement of student learning and the quality of support services. Office of University Assessment works to enhance unit-level capacity to make effective use of assessment practices and to provide meaningful, timely feedback that informs institutional effectiveness decision-making processes.


     Improve Student Learning

  • Support of Instructional Programs with direct assessment of student learning outcomes
  • Support of Administrative and Education Support Units with indirect assessment of student learning outcomes

     Enhance Capacity for Improvement

  • Assessment Training Workshops/Seminars
  • Assessment Support Services
  • Framework for Feedback

     Support Institutional Effectiveness

  • Maintenance of key assessment data
  • Institution level assessment reporting
  • Support of regional and specialized accreditation