The Office of Access & Opportunity

The Office of Access and Opportunity is a four-year undergraduate retention-based office tasked with providing academic and social integration initiatives to students admitted to FAMU through the Access Summer Bridge Program (ASB).

The ASB program is designed for underrepresented students who do not meet regular admission criteria, but who demonstrate potential to succeed in college with guided, intentional, academic, and personal assistance.

Our goal is to support those selected to participate with the Office of Access & Opportunity through academic support, mentorship, and life skills development. Our aim is to ensure that the program participants successfully navigate the transition into college graduates and move on to successful careers.

Access Summer Bridge Staff


Program Director

E: | P: (850) 901-8624

Program Coodinator

E: | P: (850) 412-5907


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Four Years of Support: Access Summer Bridge Program Overview

  • Year One

  • A focus on academic preparation through participation in the guaranteed 4.0 learning system, financial literacy education and preparation, workshops on early career readiness and budgeting and participation in social integration activities. 
  • Year Two

  • A focus on academic preparation through participation in academic coaching, formation of individual success plans, securing a summer internship and assisting in general assembly sessions to acclimate new students.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
  • Year Three

  • A focus on career and financial preparation through serving as a guaranteed 4.0 learning system trainer, earning a leadership development badge, updating career plans and serving as team co-leader for Teamwork and Leadership Development workshop series.
  • Year Four

  • A focus on workforce preparation by serving as a Guaranteed 4.0 learning system trainer or serving as a financial capability trainer, participating in professionalism workshops and leading workshops and general assemblies for incoming freshmen.  

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Access Summer Bridge Program Components

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  • Faculty Mentoring Sessions

  • The Access Summer Bridge program will provide freshmen with a unique learning experience through close and early interaction with members of the faculty. The Faculty Mentoring Sessions will involve one faculty instructor and eight to ten freshmen students meeting twice a week for 1 hour to explore a topic of mutual interest. Sessions are discussion-based, liberating both the instructor and the students from the usual college requirements, such as exams and letter grades.
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  • Peer Mentors

  • The purpose of the Peer Mentor Program is to aid in the academic, emotional, and social adjustment of mentees to college life at Florida A&M University.  Peer Mentors serve as peer support personnel for mentees and share program goals and responsibilities aimed at ensuring the retention of student participants.
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  • Civic Engagement

  • Throughout the duration of the summer, Access Bridge Students will have the pleasure of volunteering within the community to establish precedence for civic engagement as well as to begin to learn about what it entails to be a comprehensive Florida A&M University Scholar.
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  • College Prep Success Videos

  • The College Prep Success videos are designed to teach parents and students how to successfully navigate and transition to Florida A&M University. The topics of the course are organized, structured, and presented, based on relevance to incoming college freshman students. Successful completion of this course, coupled with an effective summer transition program, should result in students being privy and knowledgeable of how to succeed at Florida A&M University.
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  • Colloquiums

  • This course is tailored for First Time in College students and provides opportunities to learn about Florida A&M University, acquire and practice learning strategies, explore personal learning styles, identify career options, and develop skills for lifelong and responsible citizens. The colloquiums will be instructed by Academic Advisors of the Access Summer Bridge Program, which will further reinforce the expectations of the Summer Bridge Program and help establish professional relationships with the students.   

Access Summer Bridge Anticipated Cost

Based on Cost of Attendance for Access Summer Bridge 2018


Contact Us

1520 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
Dyson Suite 201
Tallahassee, FL 32307
(850) 599-8200
(850) 412-5952