Hours of Operation

Child development research teaches that young children function better when there is predictability in their daily lives. The brain is a pattern-seeking organ and we have learned that children's predictability comes from following specific patterns of daily routines.

Arrival and dismissal are very important times in a child’s day, and all attention should be focused on the child;

Therefore we ask that every person entering the center refrain from using cell phones and use those times to dialogue with your child or actively engage in the preschool environment.

While free from distraction, this simple act of attention lets the child know that they are valuable and important. The intention is that all adults are engaged in the children's learning environment and contribute to their well-being.




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  • Arrival

  • We strongly encourage that all children attend the program regularly. We expect that children are in their classrooms and ready to begin daily instructional activities by 9:00 a.m. 
  • For your child’s safety and protection, we require that the person bringing the child to school come inside, SIGN IN and acknowledge that a staff person received the child. 

  • These consistencies help children to adjust, minimizes disruption to the daily schedule and also facilitates our goals as an Educational Research Center for Child Development rather than as a “Day Care” facility. Most importantly, this exemplifies parent's commitment to their children’s future discipline to be timely

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  • Meals

  • Two meals and a snack are provided at no additional cost to your child daily.

  • Breakfast is the first meal of the day and to take advantage of this opportunity, children must be seated with their class between 8:00am to 8:30am. Children who are not seated in this time frame will have to depend on the parent to provide this first meal. Parents may feed their child at home or bring in breakfast and sit with them. The multipurpose area may be used until 9:00am, when the child needs to prepare for morning routines in their classroom.Breakfast should not be taken in the classroom.

  • Lunch is served by class between 11:30am and 12:30pm. Parents may choose to send their child a daily lunch, with healthy options and food variety, packed in microwave-safe containers, if necessary.

  • Afternoon snacks are also provided daily and served by class no later than 2:45pm.

  • When children attend Evening Care, families should provided a meal or snack for those who are staying past 6:15pm.

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  • Dismissal

  • Children are dismissed at the discretionary time of the parents. The Notarized Authorization Form for Emergency Contact and Pick-up should list all persons that are authorized to pick up the children.

  • We also require that the person picking up the child come inside the building and SIGN the child OUT when leaving the center.

  • Parents are not required to give their door access code to authorized persons. They may ring the bell and be greeted by a FAMU-ERCCD staff member. This secures your access the building and the safety of your child.

  • No child will be allowed to leave the premises with any person not authorized by a parent or guardian. All authorized persons must present picture identification.

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  • Excuses

  • Excused arrival tardiness includes notifying the office, prior to 9:00 a.m., of emergencies and doctor’s appointments. If your child will be late for these reasons please call and we will let the staff know to anticipate your child's arrival.

  • FAMU-ERCCD closes at 5:30 p.m. In cases of extreme emergencies, parents may call the center to notify staff of a late pick-up or an updated authorization for pick up. ERCCD Staff will document the phone call on the phone log for future reference.

  • Tardiness after the center's closing will result in a Late Pick-Up Fee. Charges will be $1.00 per minute up to 6:00pm, when an additional fee of $20.00 will also occur.

  • By enrollment request and spacing availability, the child may be placed in the Evening Care program, and service fees will apply but the per minute fee will cease accruing.